I saw a new side to my hubby this weekend, after he AMAZED me by taking our front door off, to get a table through it, which we’d driven up the M1 to collect from my parents garage. We’ve just moved and needed a kitchen table and I’d been telling my other half that I’d been storing a table from my late Nanna and Papa for years and would love to have it in our home. He wasn’t convinced by my description of it being French style (I’ve not seen it since I was about 15!) So finally my Dad dug it out from the corner of his garage and sent a picture.
It got the thumbs up from the hubby, as it was clear it is an art deco style – apparently my grandparents bought it from a Dutch couple in the 60’s and they’d already had it 30 years. Anyway, this piece of dining room history was secured into the white van we’d hired and driven back to St Albans. All was going to plan, until we tried to get it through our front door. It wouldn’t fit! We tried every which way how, and my husband then exclaimed – ‘I’m going to have to take the door off’ which he did! I didn’t show quite how impressed I was with his determination, at the time.. I waited till it was a case of mission accomplished – over 1 hour later, the door was off, the table was in, the door was back on – AND POP went the bottle of champagne!!
I would so have given up and probably tweeted @MrHandyManSta, but it’s clear I have my own HandyMan. Now I know not all men are good at DIY. My Dad is, so I assumed it was a given. He bought me a well stocked tool box and I’d like to state I’m more than capable of changing a plug, building flatpack furniture (OK I might not always read the leaflet in full). HOWEVER, now that I’ve seen the full extent of my husbands DIY abilities and his delight in accomplishing the mission at hand, I will gladly down tools and let that be his territory!