After being inspired to read ‘The Artist’s Way’ by Julia Cameron one of my tasks I’ve sent myself is to play my trumpet! It suddenly dawned on me that I’ve actually now not played my trumpet for longer than I played it. So yesterday out came the classic books, The best of the Beatles, along with the soundtrack to Aladdin and I was off in my element! It really was a thrill. Not sure my new neighbours agreed, but they’ll learn to live with it. Who doesn’t love a Disney theme tune.
I was chatting to a school friend the other day, who is still musical, about how it’s such a shame I didn’t take my music lessons more seriously at school. I took my Grade 8 whilst doing my A Levels and failed it as I’d not put in the hours to remember the zillions of scales. Also I had a teacher who wasn’t stern enough with me, and didn’t bully me into learning them. I do wish I’d kept it going, as I remember my Mum always saying ‘If you play an intrument you’ll always have a way to meet people’. I joined a concert band for a few weeks at Uni, but the temptation of the party lifestyle and having my trumpet stolen meant it was a short lived experience!