Can I have another person host my podcast?

by | Sep 8, 2020 | Podcast Consulting

Yes of course you can. But do find someone who knows what they are doing!

Having spent nearly two decades as radio presenter, and being so wrapped up in the world of live radio, I never thought I’d find something else I could do that was like it. I was right, there is nothing like it.

Live radio is incredibly for so many reasons and one of those, where the connections you were able to form with your audience. This is something  I carried with me into creating my podcasting work and have proved how powerful the connection can by whilst hosting The Fertility Podcast for the last seven years.

That’s not the point of this piece. What I want to explain is this.

When it comes to hosting a podcast, why not work with a professional presenter?  I’ve now been the host of a few different podcasts and I think it’s something you should consider if you are wanting to put one out there, yet have been holding back as you don’t want to host it.

I’m sure you know that podcasting is here to stay and is a powerful media to add into your marketing mix Presenting and engaging with an audience is a skill and it’s part of the reason radio brings such joy and loyalty into people’s lives and why podcasting is now doing the same.

You want to feel you can relate to your podcast host, that they get you, that they are talking directly to you. Especially if you are going to be listening to hours of them, which is what podcasters want.

I’ve been working with supplement company Bioglan, hosting their Health Unwrapped podcast, where I’ve been interviewing a range of experts to chat about trending health topics & ways you can make a difference to your health, with leading experts discussing the latest developments in dietary supplements and of course natural foods.

We launched the podcast in March 2020 just as lockdown hit, luckily I’d spent day in a studio recording all the episodes before we weren’t able to be in close proximity to anyone, however as our health is so important now more than ever the podcast conversations have of course been really popular. I spoke with Dr Zoe Williams about the importance of supporting your immunity, Deborah James about Gut Health and how she manages her bowel cancer diagnosis and still manages to run marathons. We discussed how to maximise your nutrition, with nutritionist Emma Hanton, how to exercise and the importance of rest and recovery around your training with Chloe Madely and we discussed burnout with Miss Nutritionist, Rosie Millen 

Tomorrow we’re launching the second series, talking more about your Gut Health, with Alana and Lisa MacFarlane who have founded The Gut Stuff and I’m looking forward to sharing more of the content we are creating.


If you are wanting to create a more B2B  podcast, speaking to your peers, and maybe you don’t want an interview-style podcast just a way to convey more information,  I worked with Audere Communications, hosting a series about Tax, which was scripted by the client and delivered by me

The moral of this piece is if you are wanting to add podcasting into the mix, but don’t know who to present it and need an experienced voice who can advise on the production aspect as well, let’s have a chat about it today. Don’t put it off any longer.



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