Curltastic voiceover

by | Jul 31, 2019 | Uncategorised

Alright, we’ve got some new curltastic pictures going on as  I’ve been giving my website a refresh.  The whole pictures to capture your voice as a voiceover is always something I find a little daunting and I’d previously been a bit too cliche with a mic so this time it’s just me, in all my curly glory.

I was asked by my hairdresser to be a hair model for a curly hair shoot they were doing, which was a lot of fun and somewhat indulgent but the results are what you see here, just me , my curls and I.

Lately I’ve been doing a range of e-learning voiceovers which are all internal so I can’t share, but it’s always great to see the variety of topics being covered  in innovative ways.

Also I’ve recently started working in a shared office space which has done wonders for my sanity. It started with some local networking and the being brave enough to step out of my box and into an office, knowing I could head back if a call came in and in good time for my regular bookings.

Changing the day to work space has been something I’ve put off for a while due to needing to be in my booth but I’m chuffed to say it’s working well and I hope it continues. They have jelly beans in jars and fancy soap in the loo. I’m so easily pleased.

Plus there’s a lot to be said from random chats and meeting new people isn’t there!





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